Saitek X55 – Verlängerung – DIY

X55 Joystick besitzt bereits 16-Bit-Querruders und 16-Bit-Höhenruder,
eine Verlängerung würde die Eingabe vom User nochmals präziserieren,
und wäre einem echten WW2 oder Kunstflieger näher als ein kurzer PC Tisch Joystick.

Der joystick läßt sich von der Baseplate durch einen Schraubring einfach entfernen.
Nun muesste man eine passende Verlängerung dazwischen schrauben,
natürlich mit Verlängerung der elektrischen Verbindungen.

mit 3D scan des Gewinde Ringes und 3D print als positiv und negativ..
sollte man heute einen Adapter herstellen können, bei all dem 3D Printer Hype.

Aber wo sind die passenden 3D Scanning + Printing Services ?

Oder man vermisst das Gewinde, und hofft, dass es Standardmaße sind ( amerikanische inch-Maße? )
und versucht die Gewindeteile im Baumarkt/online zu bekommen.

hardware sammlung for DIY 2D HMD

HDMI Displays:

adafruit, lcd&displays:

Adafruit Qualia 9.7″ DisplayPort Monitor – 2048×1536 Resolution

LG LP097QX1 – iPad 3/4 Retina Display

Tablet Z1/Z2/Z3(compact)/Z4
advantag: Remote Play



HMD Head mounted display – 2D – DIY


HMD Head mounted display – for 2D contents – DoItYourself

quite cool,
genius idea to use a welding helmet ;o)
using an wifi air mouse(6-axis)

specs, taken from airons1972 youtube account :

1x 8″ 1024*768 LCD Display + HDMI+VGA+2AV LCD Controller Board (ebay)
1x A5 size 3x magnification fresnel lens (ebay)
1x wireless 2.4g air mouse (ebay)
1x 5 meter VGA cable (ebay)
1x 5 Meter DC power cable (ebay)
1x 9v power supply (ebay)
1x cheap plastic welding helmet (ebay)
Thick black card for screen surround
Black gaffa tape
8x large black pull ties for securing cables and air mouse to the helmet

Total cost = £100 ($154)

Features include VGA input, Wide 90+ degree Field Of Vision (FOV) and works with ANY PC game that uses mouselook. (i.e. virtually any First Person Shooter)

I recommend you mount the fresnel lens 80mm in front of your lcd screen with the rough/grooved side towards your face. This gives a nice level of magnification without loss of focus. You need the lens as close to your face as possible without it touching your nose.



what is an Air Mouse?
available for 15-25,- Euros



War Thunder – PS4 – Headtracking SELBSTGEMACHT – FINAL

2 Point Head Tracking,
1 not moving referenz point (at your nacklace)
1 moving point on a wooden bar on your helmet
60 frames per second, stable


benötigte Hardware:
– PS3 Eye Cam ( very high framerates )
– PC/Laptop ( DualCore 2×1,8GHz, 4GB, Win7 )
– USB Serial Light Adapter
– Arduino Leonardo
– PS4
– evtl. USB Hub
– LED infrared, 2 pieces
– Resistors 100 Ohm, 2 pieces
– Batteries/Accus, AA 1.2V , 4 pieces
– Batterie Case with switch, 2 pieces
– helmet or similar else
– wooden bar or similar else
– duct tape

Hardware Hacks:
– PS3 Eye Cam – IR blocking Filter entfernen und Tageslicht blocking filter (Diskette) einsetzen

– PC/Laptop – Windows Treiber der PS3 Eye Cam
– PC/Laptop – Python 2.7.3
– PC/Laptop – openCV
– PC/Laptop – pyserial
– PC/Laptop – Arduino IDE
– Arduino Leonardo – extra sketch

Following script holds everything together:
– reading camera stream,
– analysing, finding blobs,
– calculating distances,
– calculating movement between current versus previous frame
– sending relative movement over USBSerialLight Adapter to ArduinoLeonardo

import cv2
import time
import numpy 

# python C:\python_scripts\opencv\

# setting up serial communication

import serial
#import time
import os

C:\Users\XXXXX>python -m -a
Usage: [options] [] error: no such option: -a
# C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\serial\tools\  <<< look for options.. discoverd -v ! write_to_path = "C:\\python_scripts\\py_serial\\actual_com_ports.txt" os.system("python -m -v > " + write_to_path)

fr = open( write_to_path , "rb")
frc =

    desc: Arduino Uno (COM14)
    hwid: USB VID:PID=2341:0001 SNR=55330343831351D03232
    desc: Arduino Leonardo (COM9)
    hwid: USB VID:PID=2341:8036
2 ports found

frc = str(frc).split("\n")

com_dict = {}
COM_id = ""
for line in frc:
   #print line
   if line[0:3] == "COM":
     COM_id = line.strip()
     #print "COM_id: ",COM_id
     com_dict[COM_id]  =  ""
   if line.find("desc:") != -1:
    line2 = line
    line2 = line2.replace("desc: ","")
    line2 = line2.replace("("+COM_id+")","")
    line2 = line2.replace("\t","")
    line2 = line2.strip()
    #print "line2: >>",line2,"<<"
    com_dict[COM_id] = line2
arduino_leonardo_COMport = ""
arduino_uno_COMport = ""

for e in com_dict:
    print e, ": ", com_dict[e]
    if com_dict[e].lower().find("leonardo")!=-1:
      arduino_leonardo_COMport = e
    if com_dict[e].lower().find("uno")!=-1:
      arduino_uno_COMport = e

print "arduino_uno_COMport: ",arduino_uno_COMport
print "arduino_leonardo_COMport: ",arduino_leonardo_COMport

if 1==1:

  #COMport = 14
  #serial_port = COMport-1
  #serial_port = "COM14"
  #serial_port = "COM11"
  #serial_port = arduino_leonardo_COMport
  serial_port = arduino_uno_COMport

  baudrate = 9600

  connected = False

  ser = serial.Serial(port=serial_port,
  ser = serial.Serial( serial_port, baudrate)  # open first serial port
  #ser.DtrEnable = "true";
  time.sleep(2) # waiting the initialization...

  print          # check which port was really used

# EOF setting up serial

# python C:\python_scripts\opencv\


#cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0) # laptop eingebaute cam
#cam = cv2.VideoCapture(1) # wenn direct am laptop
cam = cv2.VideoCapture(1)

print "cam.isOpened(): ",cam.isOpened()

# - CV_CAP_PROP_FPS Frame rate.
#print "FPS: ", cam.get( 10 ) # ? ret
#print "x: ", cam.GetCaptureProperty( CV_CAP_PROP_FPS )
print "CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH:  ", cam.get(3)
print "CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT: ", cam.get(4)
print "CV_CAP_PROP_FPS:          ", cam.get(5)
# cam.get(propId)   
# propId integer 0 bis 18

if 1==11:
   size = (int(cv2.GetCaptureProperty(cam , cv2.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)), int(cv2.GetCaptureProperty(cam , cv2.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)))
   print "size: ",size

Property identifier. It can be one of the following:
0 CV_CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC Current position of the video file in milliseconds or video capture timestamp.
1 CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES 0-based index of the frame to be decoded/captured next.
2 CV_CAP_PROP_POS_AVI_RATIO Relative position of the video file: 0 - start of the film, 1 - end of the film.
3 CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH Width of the frames in the video stream.
4 CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT Height of the frames in the video stream.
5 CV_CAP_PROP_FPS Frame rate.
6 CV_CAP_PROP_FOURCC 4-character code of codec.
7 CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT Number of frames in the video file.
8 CV_CAP_PROP_FORMAT Format of the Mat objects returned by retrieve() .
9 CV_CAP_PROP_MODE Backend-specific value indicating the current capture mode.
10 CV_CAP_PROP_BRIGHTNESS Brightness of the image (only for cameras).
11 CV_CAP_PROP_CONTRAST Contrast of the image (only for cameras).
12 CV_CAP_PROP_SATURATION Saturation of the image (only for cameras).
13 CV_CAP_PROP_HUE Hue of the image (only for cameras).
14 CV_CAP_PROP_GAIN Gain of the image (only for cameras).
15 CV_CAP_PROP_EXPOSURE Exposure (only for cameras).
16 CV_CAP_PROP_CONVERT_RGB Boolean flags indicating whether images should be converted to RGB.
17 CV_CAP_PROP_WHITE_BALANCE Currently not supported
18 CV_CAP_PROP_RECTIFICATION Rectification flag for stereo cameras (note: only supported by DC1394 v 2.x backend currently)

if 1==11:

        cam.set(3,320) # CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH
        cam.set(4,240) # CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT

cam.set(5,100) # fps
print "cam get fps: ", cam.get(5) # fps

# 'module' object has no attribute 'createBackgroundSubtractorMOG'
#fgbg = cv2.BackgroundSubtractorMOG()
#fgbg = cv2.BackgroundSubtractorMOG2()

counter_frames = 0
start_time = time.time()
fps = 0

#kernel = numpy.ones((2,2),numpy.uint8)
#kernel = numpy.ones((5,5),numpy.uint8)
kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT,(5,5))
#kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE,(5,5))
#kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_CROSS,(5,5))
#kernel = numpy.ones((10,10),numpy.uint8)

cv2__flip          = cv2.flip
cv2__morphologyEx  = cv2.morphologyEx
cv2__imshow        = cv2.imshow
cv2__waitKey       = cv2.waitKey

if 1==11:
   flags = [i for i in dir(cv2) if i.startswith('COLOR_')]
   for flag in flags:
    if flag.find("RGB")!=-1:
       print flag

prev_frame_dist_x = 999999  #init  value
prev_frame_dist_y = 999999 # init value


        ret, frame =
        #cv2.imshow('frame', frame)
        # Our operations on the frame come here
        frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        #gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
        tresh = 253
        #tresh = 200
        ret,frame = cv2.threshold(frame,tresh,255,cv2__THRESH_BINARY )
        frame = cv2__flip(frame, 1) # 
        #print "frame.dtype: ",frame.dtype


        #frame = cv2.erode(frame,kernel,iterations = 1)
        frame = cv2.dilate(frame,kernel,iterations = 2)
        #frame = cv2.erode(frame,kernel,iterations = 3)
        #frame = cv2__morphologyEx(frame, cv2__MORPH_OPEN, kernel) # erosion followed by dilation
        #frame = cv2__morphologyEx(frame,  cv2.MORPH_TOPHAT, kernel) 
        #frame = cv2.morphologyEx(frame, cv2.MORPH_GRADIENT, kernel) # does outline
        cv2__imshow('frame', frame)
        #print "frame.dtype: ",frame.dtype

        #fgmask = fgbg.apply(frame)
        #x = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.CV_SHAPE_CROSS)    
        #cv2.imshow('frame', x)

        #frame = cv2.convertTo(frame, CV_8U)
        contours, _ = cv2.findContours(frame, cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
        contour_number = 0
        contours_dict = {}

        for c in contours:

            rect = cv2.boundingRect(c)

            # rect[2]   width
            # rect[3]   height
            # sucht nur grosse blobs, alles kleiner 10x10 wird verworfen
            if rect[2] < 10 or rect[3] < 10: continue
            contour_number = contour_number+1
            print "contour_number: ",contour_number
            #print cv2.contourArea(c)
            print rect # x,y width,height
            contours_dict[contour_number] = rect

            if contour_number == 2:
               con1_x = contours_dict[1][0]
               con2_x = contours_dict[2][0]

               diff_con1_x_con2_x = con1_x - con2_x
               print "diff_con1_x_con2_x: ", diff_con1_x_con2_x

               con1_y = contours_dict[1][1]
               con2_y = contours_dict[2][1]

               diff_con1_y_con2_y = con1_y - con2_y
               print "diff_con1_y_con2_y: ", diff_con1_y_con2_y

               if diff_con1_x_con2_x != 999999: # 999999 is starting init val

                  diff_prev_frame_x = diff_con1_x_con2_x - prev_frame_dist_x
                  print "diff_prev_frame_x: ",diff_prev_frame_x
                  # x negativ value = move to the right
                  # x positiv value = move to the left
                  diff_prev_frame_y = diff_con1_y_con2_y - prev_frame_dist_y
                  # y negativ value = move to bottom
                  # y positiv value = move to top
                  print "diff_prev_frame_y: ",diff_prev_frame_y

                  # send these values to arduino
                  # diff_prev_frame_x
                  # diff_prev_frame_y
                  # or manipulate them multiple 2 or progressive
                  diff_prev_frame_x = diff_prev_frame_x * -1
                  # ABSoluter wert, positiv.. d.h negativ number positiv machen
                  ABS_x = diff_con1_x_con2_x
                  if diff_con1_x_con2_x < 0:
                     ABS_x = diff_con1_x_con2_x * -1
                  ABS_y = diff_con1_y_con2_y
                  if diff_con1_y_con2_y < 0:
                     ABS_y = diff_con1_y_con2_y * -1

                  print "ABS_x: ",ABS_x
                  print "ABS_y: ",ABS_y

                  if ABS_x < 100:
                     diff_prev_frame_x = diff_prev_frame_x * 2 # 2
                     diff_prev_frame_x = diff_prev_frame_x * 4

                  # 240 center point y
                  #  280
                  if ABS_y > 200 or ABS_y < 280:                      diff_prev_frame_y = diff_prev_frame_y * 4 # 4                   else:                      diff_prev_frame_y = diff_prev_frame_y * 8                   ser.write( str(diff_prev_frame_x) + "," + str(diff_prev_frame_y) + "\n" )                prev_frame_dist_x = diff_con1_x_con2_x                prev_frame_dist_y = diff_con1_y_con2_y                # now map the distances                # to mouse movements                # mouse movement                 # there is an posiblity to use absolute mouse via arduino,                 #                #                # WE NEED DATA FROM PREV FRAME                # CALC differences                # these differences map to mouse moves             #print rect.bx, #,,         #frame = cv2.drawContours(frame, contours, -1, (0,255,0), 3) 		         # to quit press key "q"         if cv2__waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):             break 	          if 1==1:               counter_frames = counter_frames + 1                       #print "counter_frames: ",counter_frames 	                 cur_time = time.time()               #print "start_time: ",start_time               #print "cur_time: ",cur_time               diff_time = cur_time - start_time               #print "diff_time: ",diff_time               if diff_time > 5: # 5 sekunden
                 fps = counter_frames / 5 # frames pro sekunde		 
                 counter_frames = 0
                 start_time = time.time()
                 print "fps: ",fps
        print "fps: ",fps

Sketch for Arduino Leonardo

 The mouse movement is always relative. 
 This sketch reads Serial1(RxTx) and uses incoming data 
 to set the movement of the mouse (over Serial, Main USB Port).
 WARNING:  When you use the Mouse.move() command, the Arduino takes
 over your mouse!  Make sure you have control before you use the mouse commands.
Ronny Gey


// read string
String mouse_x = "";
String mouse_y = "";
void setup() {
  // Serial not needed, this is used by mouse control...
  // only for string tests, debugging
  //Serial.begin(9600); // first Serial Port, main USB port... OR sending to PS4
  //while (!Serial) {
  //  ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for Leonardo only
  // second Serial Port on Leonardo! pins Rx(Pin0)/Tx(Pin1) for receiving data from Laptop
  while (!Serial1) {
    ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for Leonardo only

  // initialize mouse control:

void loop() {
  // read Serial_1, data coming from Laptop

  // send data only when you receive data:
  // read RxTx
  if (Serial1.available() > 0) {
      // getting x,y from Laptop over Serial1
      // Kommaseparated value: x,y\n
      // -10,5
      // 5,-10
      // 10,10
      mouse_x = Serial1.readStringUntil(',');
      mouse_y = Serial1.readStringUntil('\n');
      //Serial1.print("I received X,Y: ");
      //Serial1.print(" : ");
      //Syntax:  Mouse.move(xVal, yPos, wheel);
      Mouse.move(mouse_x.toInt(), mouse_y.toInt(), 0);
  } // EOF serial1 available
  /* only for debugging purpose
  // send data only when you receive data:
  if (Serial.available() > 0) {
      // getting x,y from Laptop over Serial1
      // comma separated value: x,y\n
      // -10,5
      // 5,-10
      // 10,10
      mouse_x = Serial.readStringUntil(',');
      mouse_y = Serial.readStringUntil('\n');
      Serial.print("I received X,Y: ");
      Serial.print(" : ");

  } // EOF serial available

thats all



Printer HP Photosmart B209a – ink refill


The HP Photosmart B209a printer costs under 100,- Euro in the year 2009.
Today 54,- Euro.
A printhead spare part costs narly the same!

The main problem is, that this printer needs a lot of ink, and the orig ink cartridges do cost a lot.

So i looked for possibilities to refill mine.
So i ordered from
refill set of 4x250ml refill ink Bk,C,M,Y for a prize of 29,-Euro, and injectors/needles.
this is a prize of 1 liter for 29,- Euro, colour independent.
XL cartridges contain 18ml of ink.
With 250 ml of each color, i can refill all 4 colors 13x times.
With orig XL cartridges 4 x 13 x 17,- orig XL price, colour independent, makes: 884,- Euro.
884,- Euro minus 29,- Euro = saved money: 855,- Euro


original 364 standard cartrigdes:

orig ink cartridge 364 C,M,Y contains 3ml ! – 8,- Euro / 300 pages
(2,67 Euro pro 1ml / 2.670 Euro per 1 liter)

orig ink cartridge Bk contains 6 ml ! – 9,- Euro / 250 pages
(1,50 Euro pro 1ml / 1.500 Euro per 1 liter)

orig ink cartridge 364 pack of 4 (Bk,C,M,Y) – 27,- Euro (3x 8,- = 24,-, the fourth costs only 3,- , this looks like cheap offer to save money)


original 364 XL cartrigdes:

orig ink cartridge XL – C,M,Y contains 6ml ! – 17,- Euro / 750 pages
(2,83 Euro pro 1ml / 2.830 Euro per 1 liter)

orig ink cartridge XL – Bk contains 18ml – 17,- Euro / 550 pages
(0,94 Euro pro 1ml / 940 Euro per 1 liter)

orig ink cartridge XL 364 pack of 4 (Bk,C,M,Y) – 68,- Euro (= 4×17,-)

XL colour cartrigdes do cost a little bit more compared to standard  (content x2,prize x2).
XL black cartridges do cost less compare to standard (content x3,prize x2).




refill cartridges transparent,
 These transparent cartridges are good, because you can always see easily the fill level, „while printing“ and when you refill them. And you refill at the side of the empty cell with easy re-closing the point of injection with a pin.

the XL color and standard color cartridges are identical.
The standard cartridges come with an empty second ink chamber, only the sponge in the first chamber is filled with ink. (3ml/6ml)
The black XL cartridges are bigger in width(18ml).