VR – Hype

VR – Virtual Reality

Category 1:
– Headmounted Display
– cinema like, big screen, 2D/3D
– no sensors
– viewer in sitting postion
Examples: google cardboard, zeiss cinemizer,..

Category 2:
– Headmounted Display
– cinema like, big screen, 2D/3D,
– view is controled by head movements of the viewer
– Sensors: head tracking
– viewer in sitting postion
Examples: google cardboard, zeiss cinemizer + headtracker sensor,..

Category 3:
– Headmounted Display
– wide field of view, 3D
– view is controlled by head movements of the viewer
– Sensors: head tracking
– viewer in sitting postion
Examples: oculus rift, starvr, sony morpheus, …


Category 4:
– Headmounted Display
– wide field of view, 3D
– view is controlled by head movements of the viewer
– Sensors: head tracking, leap-motion controller
– additional hand/arm tracking, you can move your hands and see them 1:1 in virtual world, without exact finger movements
– viewer in sitting postion
Examples: devices from category 3 with additonal sensor

Category 5:
– Headmounted Display
– wide field of view, 3D
– view is controlled by head movements of the viewer
– Sensors: head tracking, leap-motion controller
– additional hand/arm tracking, you can move your hands and see them 1:1 in virtual world, with exact finger movements
– viewer in sitting postion
Examples: devices from category 3 with additonal sensor

Category 6:
– Headmounted Display
– wide field of view, 3D
– view is controlled by head movements of the viewer
– Sensors: head tracking, leap-motion controller, body scanner
– additional hand/arm tracking, you can move your hands and see them 1:1 in virtual world, with exact finger movements
– viewer can move around (more or less free in terms of cabled solution or not, or wearing more or less heavy graphics computer in backpack)

Category 7:
– Headmounted Display
– wide field of view, 3D
– view is controlled by head and eye  movements of the viewer
– Sensors: head tracking, leap-motion controller, body scanner, eye scanner,
– additional hand/arm tracking, you can move your hands and see them 1:1 in virtual world, with exact finger movements
– viewer can move around (more or less free in terms of cabled solution or not, or wearing more or less heavy graphics computer in backpack)



– sensoring every movement of person, eye, head, body, arms, legs, fingers,…
– computation of sensor inputs into virtual world
– graphical computation in 3D, starting from easy cartoon, cell-shading till realistic styles
– stream lagless video to displays (60GHz, http://www.wirelesshd.org/) or wear the graphical computer units with yourself
– full natural field of view
– eye tracking
– 3D audio support, 360degree x 360degree
– no simulated acceleration on human body,
– no pressure points on human body,
– no simulated smell

consumer products will be at middle level, while expensive equipment will be used in new public gaming studios, where you can play for a fee ( thevoid.com )

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