War Thunder PS4 – Saitek X55

works great, with the PS4
better than the previous thrustmaster force feedback joystick.

but PS4 is not always recognizing the axis of the devices,
throttle has an own usb, joystick has an own usb.
so at the beginning of gaming you need to set the axis for throttle, gearing, rolling, …
but a good tip could be: plug out the devices before you start the PS4,
when you are in the game in the control options, then plug in the joystick at first… when this has the axis with the lower IDs, after that plug in the Throttle, when the throttle has the higher axis IDs.
I will find out.. or Gaijin GameDeveloper could fix this next time?
The Buttons seems to stay correct, axis are lost.
Normaly a device has an own USB ID? Which is a real identifier not only a number of the n-th plugged in usb device. Then the game should/could store the information, regardless at which usb port the devices are plugged in, but maybe this time its on Gaijins implementation.

how to change the spring of the joystick

good: many, many buttons…
crazy possibilities to programm all these buttons/axis

when you attach a command to a keyboard keystroke, then you can programm the joysticks buttons/axis to immitate the keyboard keys!
you can programm axis in a special style: divide up the full range of an axle in two, three, four or more separate parts.. which you can bind to a key…

but i have to „screw“ to stick and throttle to the desk,
especially the throttle, when its used in „strong“ manner, when you pull back to you, the throttle could pullout from desk.

War Thunder PS4 – seeing is winning

to get better in the game
its important to see the other teammates and your opponents.

Head Tracking feature would quite good, if it would work perfectly,
what is actualy not the case.

So which option are left?

i use a mouse (usb,optical,Razer), directly connected to an usb hub, which is connected to the PS4.

With the mouse i can look around quite fast and comfortable, left, right, top, bottom…
and very important, with the mouse left click, i can recenter instantly!

One thing is not so good,
for a mouse you need some place on the desk to move the mouse around.

So you can think about to test a real 3D Mouse like this:
http://www.3dconnexion.de/products/spacenavigator.html << http://www.rakuten.de/produkt/3dconnexion-spacenavigator-standard-edition-1045245985.html?portaldv=3&sclid=a_rakneu_pla_DE&cid=google_base_pla&utm_source=gpla_DE&utm_medium=pla&utm_campaign=googlebase-pla-2012-02_DE&gclid=COCkmtTx_8ICFSdn7Aod0h0AFw use hot key to: - look back - look to bottom ground - follow your actual tagged opponent

War Thunder – PS4 – Headtracking


PS4 – Camera
http://www.ign.com/blogs/finalverdict/2013/11/02/xbox-one-vs-playstation-4-kinect-20-vs-playstation-4-camera (tech spec not 100% identical to latest specs given on sony website)

in the game WarThunder you can use the PS4 camera to look around,
while you are flying your plane.

The option to activat this feature is quite hidden.
In your Controls Menu in the Game, you will find a hint in the downb left corner.
Push L1 Button for Advanced settings.
If you hit L1 you get the menu to activate different extras and to activate the Headtracking option and set the sensitivity.

It works, ok, but its not so accurate as it should be.
I can not figure out how to center the view again, its on you.
Looking to the left, to the right works good,
Looking to the top, to the bottom works good,
but when you center your head/view along the nose of your plane,
it takes extra time to do so.
The question is,
what is calculated by whom?
Do the GameDevelopers of Gaijin everything,
or are they catching precalculated data from camera/API itself.

I have done a test to get answer to my question,
Does the game using real face-recognition or
is it doing its job in a more easier way, getting tracking your head with simpler model of your head.
I took a security helmet, orange coloured (STIHL), with black net view/face shield protectiv and big yellow ear protectors.
I have done the camera setup in PS4 settings menu with that costum.
Then i started the game, and when the view/face shield protectiv is closed/down,
the game headtracking isnt working anymore, when i open the view/face shield protectiv the head tracking works again.
My conclusion: the headtracking is using real face recognition, and so the question is again, is Gaijin doing the face recognition, realy? or is Gaijin headtracking using PS4 camera programming interface/API.

The head tracking is cool option, but for real game plane fights.. sometimes it gives you a feeling what could be.. and then because of the lag to recenter its not satisfying.
It would be good to switching the facetracking on/off while playing, using a hotkey on your joystick/keyboard, as long as the head tracking isnt working 100% satisfying.

Maybe a additional accessory could fix the problems?
But the basic head tracking stuff is using face recognition…
Could something like these accessories give an advantage?

Additional note:
– it works better in good light condition
– it works better in a distance of more then 1 meter,
sitting at a desk is to near/close to the camera!
– works good with full sensitivity (head tracking option/setting)

Wishlist to Gaijin:
Please implement a Head Tracking NOT based on Face regocnition! instead
based on accessories like these from naturalpoint.com Vector/TrackClip.

Immersion, so what?

Immersion wird,
unter Technik Geeks and Nerds ist es längst,
der nächste große Hype.

Dabei geht es kurzum, um das Versinken in virtuelle Welten.
Wie gut kann das gelingen? Wo sind die Grenzen? Gibt es Gefahren?

Mit „Datenbrillen“ in künstliche 3D Welten versinken, das gibt es schon lang.
Im Industriesektor, sicherlich im Militätsektor.
Neuerdings ist der Stand der Technik in einen finanziellem Rahmen erschwinglich geworden,
dass es Potential hat, sich in unserer Erlebenswelt zu verankern.

Ende 2014 gab es noch kein Produkt am Markt, das offiziell erhältlich ist.
Einzig Developer Kits des Oculus Rift SDK1/2 sind erhältlich(gewesen).
https://www.oculus.com/ SDK2, 350 US-Dollar, for Developers only

Über CroudFounding kam der Stein des Oculus Rift (aufgekauft von Facebook) ins Rollen,
Sony hatte bereits seit Jahren an 3D Brillen getüffelt und scheint mit dem Project Morpheus für die PS4 eine 3D Brille in 2015/2016 auf den Markt zu bringen.. oder bleibt es nur ein Project?

Laut Oculus Website, unterstützt Oculus die Firma SAMSUNG bei der Entwicklung des SAMSUNG Gear VR, basierend auf Galaxy Note 4.

Tip: immer wieder mal unter
vorbeischaun und lesen was es neues gibt.

SONY PS4 Morpheus:


Carl Zeiss – Cinemizer OLED

Worauf es ankommt?
– 100% Abdeckung des natürlichen Sichtfeldes
– 100% akurate Umsetzung der eigenen Kopfbewegungen, Schliesen(Blur)-frei, Verzögerungs(Latenz-)frei,
ansonst droht mitunter Übelkeit
– 3D Darstellung
– anpassbar an verschiedene Kopfformen, Sehstärken

Was kann 3D VR leisten?
– reale 3D Bilder/Animationen/Filme mit optischer Tiefe
– für Flugsimulationen, Weltraumsimulationen und Autorennen gute Visualisierung, da man bei diesen Simulationen sowieso auf seinem Hintern sitzt und sich von dort aus umsieht

Was kann 3D VR nicht leisten?
– Du wirst keine Menschen mehr sehen, neben dir, weil jeder diese Brille aufträgt.
Wenn Du schon immer allein gespielt hast, oder „nur“ mit Deinen Online Freunden/innen, dann ist das für Dich kein neuer/echter Nachteil
– Du wirst Deine Eingabegeräte nicht mehr sehen, Joypad/stick..
– Du wirst Deinen eigenen Körper nicht mehr sehen, solange Du die Brille aufträgst
– Wenn es zum „Kino“/Filmstandard wird, wird das Kinogeschäft wiederholt einbrechen?
– neuartige „Kino“/Filme werden erlebbar, in denen Du selbst jederzeigt deinen Blick um 360Grad bewegen kannst, aber Du kannst Dich nicht fortbewegen, der Film gibt sprichwörtlich den „Weg“ der Handlung vor.
Die Datenmengen dafür passen auf keinen heutigen Datenträger, das geht nur per Streaming aus der Cloud, die Cloud-Killer-Anwendung schlechthin
– dass Du deine Freunde beim Filmabend, die auf der Couch neben dir sitzen, auch im Film wiedersiehst
[nächstes Jahrtausend: 3D real body scanned Avatare! or fun Avatare mit Photo-based 3D Gesicht, keine Emotionen in den Gesichtern, außer Du hast den Emotional-Tracker/Synthesizer?]


Hand-Tracking, and whats with the rest of my body?