# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # import sys import time import serial print "ok" # Parameter von Konsole entgegennehmen #if len(sys.argv) != 2: # print "you have to pass the name of a serial port" # sys.exit(1) #serial_port = sys.argv[1] serial_port = "COM13" arduino = serial.Serial( serial_port, 9600, serial.EIGHTBITS, serial.PARITY_NONE, serial.STOPBITS_ONE) time.sleep(2) # continous read line = arduino.readline() while len(str(line))!=0: line = arduino.readline().rstrip() print line # ###
Archiv für den Tag: 27. April 2012
Arduino DS3234 RTC output: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
Original Code Snippet from sparkfun,
added YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss output
i used Arduino MEGA-2560 via USB, power from USB,
important: i have to use SPI_MODE3 instead of SPI_MODE1 !!!
SPI_MODE1 delivered bullsh**
RTC – MEGA2560
VCC – 3.3V
SQW – GND (squarewave signal output for interupters)
CLK – 52
MISO – 50
MOSI – 51
SS – 53
#includeconst int cs=53; //chip select void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); RTC_init(); //day(1-31), month(1-12), year(0-99), hour(0-23), minute(0-59), second(0-59) //SetTimeDate(27,4,12,16,5,0); // manuell Zeit setzen, kein 00 benutzen! } void loop() { Serial.println(ReadTimeDate()); delay(1000); } //===================================== int RTC_init(){ pinMode(cs,OUTPUT); // chip select // start the SPI library: SPI.begin(); SPI.setBitOrder(MSBFIRST); SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE3); // both mode 1 & 3 should work //set control register digitalWrite(cs, LOW); SPI.transfer(0x8E); SPI.transfer(0x60); //60= disable Osciallator and Battery SQ wave @1hz, temp compensation, Alarms disabled digitalWrite(cs, HIGH); delay(10); } //===================================== int SetTimeDate(int d, int mo, int y, int h, int mi, int s){ int TimeDate [7]={s,mi,h,0,d,mo,y}; for(int i=0; i<=6;i++){ if(i==3) i++; int b= TimeDate[i]/10; int a= TimeDate[i]-b*10; if(i==2){ if (b==2) b=B00000010; else if (b==1) b=B00000001; } TimeDate[i]= a+(b<<4); digitalWrite(cs, LOW); SPI.transfer(i+0x80); SPI.transfer(TimeDate[i]); digitalWrite(cs, HIGH); } } //===================================== String ReadTimeDate(){ String temp; int TimeDate [7]; //second,minute,hour,null,day,month,year for(int i=0; i<=6;i++){ if(i==3) i++; digitalWrite(cs, LOW); SPI.transfer(i+0x00); unsigned int n = SPI.transfer(0x00); digitalWrite(cs, HIGH); int a=n & B00001111; if(i==2){ int b=(n & B00110000)>>4; //24 hour mode if(b==B00000010) b=20; else if(b==B00000001) b=10; TimeDate[i]=a+b; } else if(i==4){ int b=(n & B00110000)>>4; TimeDate[i]=a+b*10; } else if(i==5){ int b=(n & B00010000)>>4; TimeDate[i]=a+b*10; } else if(i==6){ int b=(n & B11110000)>>4; TimeDate[i]=a+b*10; } else{ int b=(n & B01110000)>>4; TimeDate[i]=a+b*10; } } /* ORIG output temp.concat(TimeDate[4]); // tag temp.concat("/") ; temp.concat(TimeDate[5]); // monat temp.concat("/") ; temp.concat(TimeDate[6]); // jahr temp.concat(" ") ; temp.concat(TimeDate[2]); // stunde temp.concat(":") ; temp.concat(TimeDate[1]); // minute temp.concat(":") ; temp.concat(TimeDate[0]); // sekunde */ ///// // custom //temp.concat(" -- "); String DD = String( TimeDate[4] ); if (DD.length()==1){ DD = "0"+DD; } String MM = String( TimeDate[5] ); if (MM.length()==1){ MM = "0"+MM; } String YYYY = String( TimeDate[6] ); if (YYYY.length()==1){ YYYY = "200"+YYYY; } if (YYYY.length()==2){ YYYY = "20"+YYYY; } // ;o) if (YYYY.length()==3){ YYYY = "2"+YYYY; } // ;o) temp.concat( YYYY ); temp.concat( "-" ); temp.concat( MM ); temp.concat( "-" ); temp.concat( DD ); String hh = String( TimeDate[2] ); if (hh.length()==1){ hh = "0"+hh; } String mm = String( TimeDate[1] ); if (mm.length()==1){ mm = "0"+mm; } String ss = String( TimeDate[0] ); if (ss.length()==1){ ss = "0"+ss; } temp.concat(" "); temp.concat( hh ); temp.concat( ":" ); temp.concat( mm ); temp.concat( ":" ); temp.concat( ss ); // ///// return(temp); }
tinkerforge microcontroller easy
offensichtilich ein Arduino Wettbewerber,
Python API
zum Batterien Laden/Entladen (Bedini Experiments) bräuchte man:
https://shop.tinkerforge.com/bricks/master-brick.html 30,-Euro
https://shop.tinkerforge.com/voltage-bricklet.html 4,-Euro
https://shop.tinkerforge.com/bricklets/current12-bricklet.html 10,-Euro
https://shop.tinkerforge.com/bricklets/dual-relay-bricklet.html 13,-Euro
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