
created my own wp-function „wp_list_bookmarks_v2“
located in „wp/wp-includes/bookmark-template“
( better to be included from outside of wp-folders, because of wp-updates.. )

i dont want to show links that have category=4 OR category=5 !!!

if i ask for links with category=4,5 then i mean
i want all links that have category=4 AND category=5 !!!

now, the script works fine for me
its a prototype, not giving you all the options of wp_list_bookmarks
its giving a list of links, target _blank, thats all

function wp_list_bookmarks_v2($args = '') {

    // ORIG:wp_list_bookmarks

	$defaults = array(
		'orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC',
		'limit' => -1, 'category' => '', 'exclude_category' => '',
		'category_name' => '', 'hide_invisible' => 1,
		'show_updated' => 0, 'echo' => 1,
		'categorize' => 1, 'title_li' => __('Bookmarks'),
		'title_before' => '

', 'title_after' => '

', 'category_orderby' => 'name', 'category_order' => 'ASC', 'class' => 'linkcat', 'category_before' => '
  • ', 'category_after' => '
  • ' ); $r = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); extract( $r, EXTR_SKIP ); $output = ''; // ORIG:wp_list_bookmarks ////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////// // CUSTOM: $debug = 0; // category_name category zerlegen in liste... split by "," // dann // wp_list_bookmarks($args = '') if ($debug==1) echo "
    debug TRUE
    "; // bedingung muss in klammern stehen!!!, beim einzeiler restliche anweisung muss nicht in {} stehen /* echo "args: ".$args ."
    "; echo "r: ".$r ."
    "; echo "r['category']: ".$r[category] ."
    "; $category_split = split(',', $r[category]); echo "category_split: " ."
    " ; print_r( $category_split )."
    "; foreach ( $category_split as $single_cat ) { echo "single_cat: ".$single_cat."
    "; } */ $my_bookmarks = array(); // counter key is link_id value is increased if it has the category $my_bookmarks_output = array(); // output complete links as arrays $category_split = split(',', $r[category]); if ($debug==1) echo " count( category_split ) ". count( $category_split ) ."
    "; $count_category_split = count( $category_split ); // anzahl der angefragten categorien if ($debug==1) echo "

    "; ////////////////////////////// // ORIG:wp_list_bookmarks if ( $categorize ) { //Split the bookmarks into ul's for each category $cats = get_terms('link_category', array('name__like' => $category_name, 'include' => $category, 'exclude' => $exclude_category, 'orderby' => $category_orderby, 'order' => $category_order, 'hierarchical' => 0)); ////////////////////////////// // ORIG:wp_list_bookmarks foreach ( (array) $cats as $cat ) { $params = array_merge($r, array('category'=>$cat->term_id)); if ($debug==1) echo "cat->term_id: ".$cat->term_id . "
    "; //if ($debug==1) echo "params: "; //if ($debug==1) print_r( $params )."
    "; $bookmarks = get_bookmarks($params); if ( empty($bookmarks) ) continue; if ($debug==1) echo "bookmarks: "; // ORIG:wp_list_bookmarks ////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////// // CUSTOM foreach ( (array) $bookmarks as $bookmark ) { if ($debug==1) echo "
    bookmark link_id:
    "; if ($debug==1) print_r($bookmark->link_id); if ($debug==1) echo "
    "; if (array_key_exists( $bookmark->link_id , $my_bookmarks ) ){ if ($debug==1) echo "array_key_exists: TRUE" ."
    "; $my_bookmarks[ $bookmark->link_id ] = $my_bookmarks[ $bookmark->link_id ] +1; }else{ if ($debug==1) echo "array_key_exists: FALSE" ."
    "; $my_bookmarks[ $bookmark->link_id ] = 1; // counter } if ($debug==1) echo "count:" .$my_bookmarks[ $bookmark->link_id ] ."
    "; if ($debug==1) echo "count_category_split: ".$count_category_split."
    "; if ( $my_bookmarks[ $bookmark->link_id ] == $count_category_split ){ if ($debug==1) echo "OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
    "; array_push($my_bookmarks_output, $bookmark); } // CUSTOM ////////////////////////////// } } if ($debug==1) echo "----------------------------------------------
    "; //print_r( $my_bookmarks_output ); echo "
    "; foreach ( $my_bookmarks_output as $bm ) { //echo "bm: ".$bm->link_id."
    "; $bookmark = get_bookmark($bm->link_id); echo ''.$bookmark->link_name.'
    '; } } }

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