Wishlist to Sony PS4: USB thethering + SBS 2D/3D

Till now PS4 + Remote Play
gives best performance, graphics in fullHD,
on an 8″ Z3 sony tablet, with a small lag.
All till now tested PC streaming programs were not as good as sony remote play streaming.

To avoid this small/tiny lag,
we would have to use cabled version.
But how to tell the PS4 to give video out on USB port (there is USB 3.0 Port too)
so that we could use smartphones USB Thethering.
A point for wishlist, adressed to sony playstation network.

Next thing would be to enable SBS for 2D and 3D for video out.

Games like „Lost Orbit“
would be cool in small smarthphone headmount.

But i guess..
sony will offer you Morpheus HMD for BIG money,
only few can realy pay.

But hey sony,
for rare playing casual users,
playing  games in 3D without headtracking would be great even without total immersion!



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