NEXT TO DO 2021-01
the BNO055 HeadTracker is working now,
the Razor Phone gives nice 120 / 90 Hz gamestream via USB,
its time to disassemble the PSVR headset again and ressemble in modified way as follows:
if i use most of PSVR and use dremel-drill to work out no needed original lenses and middle nose part to get a full window, i can look through.
Going that way, i could use the plastic rubber facemask.
Then take measures and use orig screws/holes to fix the RazorPhone2 in orig display position.
I will try to use a glasses with 3-5 diop , and not build in the glasses/lenses into the headset.
to have the glasses closest to the eyes it is best to wear glasses like sunglasses… and not as lenses milimeters more away from eyes.