Zeiss Headtracker with PS4 – Solved

Zeiss Cinemizer Headtracker, USB:

works not realy with PS4, you can plug it in via USB, the Zeiss Headtracker gets recognized by PS4, for 2 seconds the incoming signals are working on PS4, but then the Headtracker gets disconneced by PS4 …

Asking Zeiss for the SDK, but never got an anwser. Ok…

But from previous project we have a base for a solution.
We use the headtracker with a Laptop, using the Zeiss Tracker Tray Configuration Tool to adjust sensitivity.
Then we use our python script to read the x,y coordinates from laptop screen. From that we calculate the relative movement between each reading of x,y. When the mouse pointer reaches the max or min values for x or y we set the x,y coordinates of actual mouse to center position of the screen and reinit some values. With that we can look around 360 degree and more .. mouse on laptop screen can hit min, max borders and gets set back to center… so we get continously relative values for our Arduino Leonardo.. connected to PS4 working as mouse input …  yeahhhh works fine… y-coordinates inverted and multiplied x 2..

remember: laptop->usb->usbserial adapter->RxTx->ArduinoLeonardo->usb->PS4

here is the script

# python C:\python_scripts\win32_read_mouse\win32_read_set_mouse.py
import win32gui
import time
import sys

import win32api, win32con
# setting up serial communication

import serial
#import time
import os
C:\Users\MrRonsen>python -m serial.tools.list_ports -a
Usage: list_ports.py [options] [<regexp>]

list_ports.py: error: no such option: -a
# C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\serial\tools\list_ports.py <<< look for options.. discoverd -v !
write_to_path = "C:\\python_scripts\\py_serial\\actual_com_ports.txt"
os.system("python -m serial.tools.list_ports -v > " + write_to_path)

fr = open( write_to_path , "rb")
frc = fr.read()

desc: Arduino Uno (COM14)
hwid: USB VID:PID=2341:0001 SNR=55330343831351D03232
desc: Arduino Leonardo (COM9)
hwid: USB VID:PID=2341:8036
2 ports found

frc = str(frc).split("\n")

com_dict = {}
COM_id = ""
for line in frc:
#print line
if line[0:3] == "COM":

COM_id = line.strip()
#print "COM_id: ",COM_id
com_dict[COM_id] = ""

if line.find("desc:") != -1:
line2 = line
line2 = line2.replace("desc: ","")
line2 = line2.replace("("+COM_id+")","")
line2 = line2.replace("\t","")
line2 = line2.strip()
#print "line2: >>",line2,"<<"
com_dict[COM_id] = line2

arduino_leonardo_COMport = ""
arduino_uno_COMport = ""

for e in com_dict:
print e, ": ", com_dict[e]

if com_dict[e].lower().find("leonardo")!=-1:
arduino_leonardo_COMport = e
if com_dict[e].lower().find("uno")!=-1:
arduino_uno_COMport = e

print "arduino_uno_COMport: ",arduino_uno_COMport
print "arduino_leonardo_COMport: ",arduino_leonardo_COMport
if 1==1:

#COMport = 14
#serial_port = COMport-1
#serial_port = "COM14"
#serial_port = "COM11"
#serial_port = arduino_leonardo_COMport
serial_port = arduino_uno_COMport

baudrate = 9600

connected = False
ser = serial.Serial(port=serial_port,

ser = serial.Serial( serial_port, baudrate) # open first serial port
#ser.DtrEnable = "true";

time.sleep(2) # waiting the initialization...

print ser.name # check which port was really used
# EOF setting up serial

if 1==1:
flags, hcursor, (x,y) = win32gui.GetCursorInfo()
print "flags: ",flags
print "hcursor: ",hcursor
print "x: ",x
print "y: ",y

#if 1==11:
# print "..............."
# import msvcrt
# print msvcrt.getch()
# print "..............."

screen_max_width = 1280
screen_max_height = 800

screen_max_width_half = screen_max_width/2
screen_max_height_half = screen_max_height/2

screen_max_width_minusX = screen_max_width-1
screen_max_height_minusX = screen_max_height-1


#current_frame_x = screen_max_width_half
#current_frame_y = screen_max_height_half

prev_frame_x = screen_max_width_half
prev_frame_y = screen_max_height_half
if 1==1:

collected = 0
attempts = 50

while collected < attempts :

x,y = win32gui.GetCursorPos()

collected += 1

to_print = x,y ," , attempt: ",collected
to_print = str(to_print) + "\r"

# 1280 x 800 Laptop Bildschirm

do_reset = 0

if x == 0 or x == screen_max_width_minusX:
do_reset = 1
if y == 0 or y == screen_max_height_minusX:
do_reset = 1

if do_reset == 1:
x = screen_max_width_half # mitte
y = screen_max_height_half
prev_frame_x = x # avoid jump
prev_frame_y = y #avoid jump

sys.stdout.write( to_print )

if collected == attempts:
collected = 0

#rel_x = 0
#rel_y = 0

rel_x = x - prev_frame_x
rel_y = y - prev_frame_y

if rel_x != 0 or rel_y != 0:

print "rel_x: ",rel_x
print "rel_y: ",rel_y

rel_y2 = -1 * rel_y # inertieren
rel_y2 = rel_y2*2 # doppelt umsetzen
ser.write( str(rel_x) + "," + str(rel_y2) + "\n" )

prev_frame_x = x
prev_frame_y = y
#time.sleep(0.01) # set the inveral to read next
time.sleep(0.001) # set the inveral to read next
print "exception"

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