2D HMD – using GTX 980 – Trinus VR – TriDef – Smartphone/Tablet over Ethernet

Laptop MSI GS30 + external MSI GTX980-4G
nvidia GTX graphic cards support streaming capabilities
+ Trinus VR Server
+ TriDef Trial Version

Sony Z3 tablet compact
+ USB OTG + USB-RJ45 Network adapter
+ Trinus VR Client
+ Lenses Reading glass, +5.00 dioptrien

Durovis DIVE 7

ZEISS Headtracker USB


howto install and use everything.. you will find in internet..
i will not repeat this here

main info:
Trinus VR using connection setting „Moonlight“!
Thats the streaming protocoll of the nvidia GTX graphic card ?!
Trinus VR is always using 3D side by side,
but with TriDef, we can switch between 2D/3D,
and the streaming is very good.. lagless!!
No lag like PS4 remote play streaming!
But the sound is something laggy.. not important,
because i used sound directly from PC/Laptop.

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