PC: Trinus VR + War Thunder(PC) + S4mini/Z3tablet

in Android PlayStore i found „TrinusVR“ and so i tested it on my old weak computer.

With TrinusVR you can send Videostream from PC, from a PC window, converted as SBS SideBySide to a Smartphone, with 3D or at least without 3D (Fake3D = 2D).

The App is available as Demo Version „Trinus VR Lite“, was installed easily.

I picked up my old computer, a core2duo 2GHz, and installed
War Thunder. War Thunder looks great even on weak maschines. Till now i only knew the PS4 graphics. And second: PC mouse aiming is not fair. Gaijin should add some option for gamers so that they could decide, if they want play with or without opponents which are using mouse steering.

So ok… start the TrinusVR PC Server. Used first the Wifi setup, USB later. So i took my Z3 tablet and logged in Wifi access point started by TrinusVR „trinus:mypassword“. and then started Android App of TrinusVR. This works, but graphic was ugly.. because PC initial details setup was set „retro“ which means 256 color and block style graphic. While streaming is working we can adjust some settings at PC server software.. Graphic details too, after that it was quite good. But at all my PC was 100% cpu load all time. The main game was running smooth but the stream was not at all. So i guess its a PC CPU bottleneck.

So i went to USB connection. Using USB Tethering on Android. My Z3 tablet is a Wifi only version and it gives me no option for selecting Tethering! So i took my Samsung S4 mini Dual Phone and it has the option Tethering over USB. This works, but better? Maybe the CPU of Phone should be better? And the S4 mini has only qHD, one fourth of HD! while the Z3tablet gives me FullHD.

At the end i went back, using Z3 tablet with Wifi. Using a google cardboard asked me to dig deeper in the settings, because cardboard with its lenses is designed for 4″ Phones and not for 8″ as the Z3tablet is.
But TrinusVR gives us the possibility to adjust everything. Switch to „Advanced Mode“, and „VR settings“ we can arange the SBS view, positioning, sizing, turning.. so i got the cardboard useable at 8″ tablet… not handy but viewable.

but realy playable, it was not.
A better PC-jhardware would be required i guess so far.

Going further… trying Durovis Dive 7 with z3tablet 8″.
or using a better FullHD Smartphone 4-5,7″..
Samsung Edge 12,92 cm Quad-HD-Super-AMOLED-Display (2.560 x 1.440 Pixel)

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