MSI GS30 + external graphic card

replacement for my 10 years laptop, samsung Q45, 12″, with core 2 duo 1,8 GHz… and SSD…
could be.. strong cpu, laptop only mode good/fast for compiling arduino sketches, compiling mobile apps, maybe playing with VR with unity…

i use the laptop always with plugged in power cord.. no mobile accu usage needed..

MSI GS30-2MD16SR2 without dock: 1555,- , 256GB

MSI GS30-2MDC16SR5 with MSI GTX 970: 2000,-  (gtx970-gate!! attention) , 512GB

MSI GS30-2MDE16SR5 with MSI GTX 980: 2240,- , 512GB


MSI GS30-2MD16SR2 on amazon for only 1385,- + MSI GTX 980 570,-
results 1955,-
Today it costs surprisingly 1629,-! 244 bugs more! from one day to another..


Attention:  Grafikkarte: MSI GTX980 GAMING 4G LE (= Light Edition) is inside !!! look  Ausstattungdetails…

details of LE version here:

finaly bying the laptop +dock only, without graphic card, ensures to get/buy a fully(none LE light edition) of msi gtx 980 4G



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