1) pcDuino updating



check the actual version of your system

$ cat /proc/version
Linux version 3.0.8+ ….gcc version 4.5.1 (Sourcery G++ Lite 2010.09-50) ) #1 PREEMPT Thu Mar 7 15:02:13 CST 2013

actual installed version is from 2013-03,
official actual newest version is from 2013-11 version (today 2013-12-18)

in 2013-04 appeared a major release
„The kernel is updated to 3.4.29+ from previous 3.0.8.
It contains booting information display, all you can choose resolution, set root password, and all patches released before this date.“

this update/new  release will give you a quick access to set keyboard and system language and others, press F8 while booting


Updating the System to actual kernel and ubuntu
via SDcard(kernel) and USB-Stick(ubuntu image)

RELEASES of kernel and ubuntu images:

kernel: /2013-11-26/pcduino_a10_kernel_disk32imager_20131127.img
„Ubuntu update part“: /2013-11-26/pcduino_ubuntu_20131126.7z
the „Ubuntu update part“ is not an incremental part of something,
it is the complete ubuntu image!
dont get confused…

best tutorial for me was this: >> http://learn.linksprite.com/?p=827 <<
follow this tutorial, its easy, you need an SDcard and one usb stick (min.2GB)
on my Windows7 System i used  Win32DiskWriter from http://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager/

other update possibilities (linux,mac,via usb,..):

now we have:
$ cat /proc/version
Linux version 3.4.29+ (liaods@linux-server) (gcc version 4.6.3 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.3-lubuntu5) ) #1 PREEMPT Tue Nov 26 15:20:06 CST 2013

this update brings you an boot option F8 key, to set
– change_screen
– change_window_percent
– change_password  for ‚ubuntu‘ user
– set_locale     setting the language
– set_timezone
– set_keyboard   the keyboard layout !
– set_boot    boot cmd only or to desktop
– backup    whole system to mmc card
– make_mmc_boot   close system from nand to mmc card

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