

ordered to board http://www.exp-tech.de/Mainboards/pcDuino-Dev-Board.html
with addon T-Board to use common arduino shields http://www.exp-tech.de/Shields/Schnittstelle/T-Board-to-Bridge-Arduino-Shield-to-pcDuino-with-Level-Shifter.html
with addon cable kit http://www.exp-tech.de/Zubehoer/Kabel/pcDuino-AV-Kit.html
with addon hdmi to vga adapter http://www.exp-tech.de/Zubehoer/Adapter-98/HDMI-to-VGA-Video-Audio-Adapter.html


i started pcDuino WITHOUT SDcard..
because there is a preinstalled/preflashed ubuntu version in the NAND chip..
and yes it works..

resources, howto for starting:

http://www.pcduino.com/?page_id=1089 << pcDuino book
http://www.pcduino.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page  << WIKI



if you go an SDcard with your pcDuino, so first check if it is an empty SDcard or an preinstalled(ubuntu) one

$ cat /proc/version
Linux version 3.0.8+ ….gcc version 4.5.1 (Sourcery G++ Lite 2010.09-50) ) #1 PREEMPT Thu Mar 7 15:02:13 CST 2013
seems to be version from 2013-03, on this site
we see, actual 2013-11 version is available (today 2013-12-18)

in 2013-04 appeared a major release
„The kernel is updated to 3.4.29+ from previous 3.0.8. It contains booting information display, all you can choose resolution, set root password, and all patches released before this date.“
so i will have to do the procedure of setting up the board new.. not flashing.. but set up a new SDcard. Getting advantage of the added locales?


Setting system to german language/keyboard

– keyboard is not german, how to set?
i dont need german language, but a german QWERTZ keyboard

http://www.mathias-wilhelm.de/arduino/reviews/pcduino/   matthias hat schon alles versucht.. hmm.. Zitat „muss das keyboardlayout umgestellt werden. Wenn man versucht, dies mit Linuxmitteln permanent zu ändern, stellt man fest, dass das vorinstallierte Linux zu sehr abgespeckt wurde. Nach einigen Fehlversuchen, die fehlenden Pakete nachzuinstallieren, habe ich mich für einen externe Ubuntu Distribution entschieden.“

look here pcDunio Forum Deutsch,
how to get QWERTZ and Language german:
http://pcduino.com/forum/index.php?topic=3774.0  << very important!

> sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration << interactive console to setup your keyboard, after reboot you have your german keyboard

for german system/desktop language use:
> sudo apt-get install language-pack-de language-pack-de-base
> sudo update-locale LANG=de_DE.UTF-8
> sudo locale-gen –purge –no-archive

if you are too lazy to type this using the none QWERTZ layout.. copy this commands into text file on an usb stick… and so on..

so now i have working QWERTZ and  desktop language is german,
shutdown, unplug power cord, take the SDcard out of the pcDuino, plug power cord in, pcDuino starts from NAND flash.. and the german settings are active.. fine


– standard user is ubuntu, mit password ubuntu (change that password later)

– become user root  > sudo su

– updating system, SystemTools > Synaptic Package Manager (takes time, not knowing if we are running still 400MHz or 1GHz, where can i read that out)

– actual CPU speed
$ less /proc/cpuinfo    << no MHz information..damn
here is a BogoMIPs key with value 1001.88 …?
http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/BogoMips    seems that we are already working with 1GHz
$ lscpu << no MHz information..damn&merde

unnecessarily tried this before:
$ lshw << unknown command
SystemTools > Synaptic Package Manager > Search „lshw“,  mark  lshw and lshw-gtk and apply/install them,
$ lshw << no MHz information..damn
$ lshw-gtk << works not correctly, << no MHz information..damn
SystemTools > Synaptic Package Manager > Search „cpu“, choose „awn-applet-cpufreq“ and apply with additional needed packages(50!)
/usr/share/avant-window-navigator/applets/cpufreq/  > python cpufreq.py  < quits with errors, not found files



simple Python benchmark :

$ find / -iname „pystone.py“
$ cd /usr/lib/python2.7/test
$ python pystone.py
Pystone(1.1) time for 50000 passes = 3.9
This machine benchmarks at 12820.5 pystones/second


http://archlinuxarm.org/packages  < the available linux packages, but preconfigured repositories are ppa.launchpad.net and ports.ubuntu.com


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